British racing welfare director to go in shake-up

The manager of equine scientific discipline together with welfare amongst the British Horseracing Authority  British racing welfare manager to become inwards shake-up
Dr Tim Morris

The manager of equine scientific discipline together with welfare amongst the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), Professor Tim Morris, is leaving the scheme equally business office of a restructure.

Morris volition finish in his fulltime operate amongst the ascendancy at the halt of Jan 2013, said primary executive Paul Bittar, who is leading the restructure.

Bittar said farther piece of occupation volition live on done amongst Morris inwards the coming weeks to embed the novel construction for Veterinary Operations, combined amongst the authority’s operate inwards medication control.

“Everyone who knows Tim would admit that he has worked exceptionally hard on behalf of the sport equally an advocate of our commitment to Equus caballus welfare, together with spell his deviation agency a re-focus, it sure won’t impact on our commitment to equine welfare,” Bittar said.

“The ongoing review of the scheme is a hard procedure equally it impacts people’s roles, but we’ve got budget constraints similar all other businesses inside British racing, then we’re focused on identifying the most effective together with efficient construction for the BHA.”

Bittar said Morris would aid over the side past times side few months to put inwards house the novel construction “that ensures the BHA remains committed to maintaining together with promoting the highest standards of equine welfare together with health”.

“We are proud that British Racing is justifiably held inwards high regard on the subject, but nosotros know at that topographic point is no room for complacency,” Bittar added.

Morris said he was sorry to live on leaving his role, which had been amid the most rewarding of his career to date, but was looking frontwards to farther developing his interests beyond racing.

“Whilst helping to tackle many external welfare issues may convey been the most visible business office of my role, I am likewise deeply proud of my evolution of the BHA veterinarian together with technical teams that convey enabled these issues to live on dealt with.

“I am confident that equine welfare remains a priority for racing, but I am realistic virtually the pressures on racing’s finances, together with recognise that many involved inwards racing convey already been affected past times such pressures. As inwards many other sectors novel ways convey to constantly live on sought to deploy resources equally effectively equally possible.”




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