OC a growing pain for young horses

A radiograph showing an OC lesion inwards a Equus caballus OC a growing hurting for immature horses
A radiograph showing an OC lesion inwards a horse’s hock (tibiotarsal joint).

There are several types of orthopedic diseases that tin terminate occur inwards foals together with immature horses.

Among the most recognized are juvenile osteoarthritis, which causes joints to degenerate; angular limb deformities, which brand a foal await knock-kneed or bow-legged; together with a status called osteochondrosis (OC).

OC is the most mutual equine juvenile orthopedic disease, together with is characterized past times abnormal cartilage together with os formation inwards a horse’s articulation equally it grows. Horses amongst this occupation tin terminate sense stiffness, lameness, together with articulation effusion, which tin terminate brand the joints looks puffy, including the fetlock, hock, together with stifle. These horses may endure at to a greater extent than direct chances for developing osteoarthritis equally they historic catamenia if the osteochondrosis lesions are non treated.

Horses’ legs commonly grow when the soft cartilage at the halt of their long bones, known equally growth plates, hardens into os together with gradually increases the length of the leg. For horses amongst OC, the cartilage at the top of sure enough growth plates does non undergo the normal hardening physical care for together with may suspension down. Extra fluid tin terminate shape inwards the affected joints due to the inflammation caused past times the abnormal cartilage. Osteochondrosis tin terminate besides acquaint equally cracks inwards the cartilage together with cysts inwards the underlying subchondral bone. Sometimes, when abnormal ossification or hardening of the cartilage occurs, os together with cartilage fragments may suspension off from the master copy os together with float costless inwards the articulation fluid, referred to equally “joint mice.”

More often, these fragments remained loosely attached to the master copy os together with tin terminate resemble “pebbles” at the articular surface of the bone. When fragments or cartilage flaps develop inside the joint, the lesion is together with then called osteochondrosis dessicans or OCD.

“Lameness together with ‘puffy’ joints (joint effusion) are the 2 most mutual presenting complaints amongst horses that direct keep OC,” said Dr Sarah Sampson, a board-certified equine surgeon who specializes inwards orthopedic illness together with orthopedic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Dr Sampson, a quondam fellow member of the WSU equine faculty, late accepted a faculty seat at Mississippi State University.

While whatsoever Equus caballus tin terminate larn OC, it is most often seen inwards horses that grow chop-chop together with direct keep a mature summit of over xv hands. Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Quarter horses, together with Warmbloods are about of the most commonly affected breeds. While genetics may play a purpose inwards horses that larn OC, foals born to mares that were over-fed during pregnancy, together with foals that are over-fed after birth, may besides direct keep a higher direct chances of developing the condition.

OC is non apparent inwards all horses that direct keep it. Symptoms are most often seen inwards contest horses near the fourth dimension or presently after they get training; however, about horses create non demo signs at all or create non demo signs until afterwards inwards life.

“Sometimes OC is non institute inwards a Equus caballus until a veterinary performs a pre-purchase exam,” doc Sampson said.

“Radiographs (x-rays) tin terminate definitively diagnose OC if a os fragment tin terminate endure seen inwards the articulation or if a defect inwards the subcondral os is apparent. H5N1 Equus caballus amongst this articulation occupation may or may non endure lame or direct keep articulation effusion. Whether a Equus caballus is lame tin terminate depend on the location of the cartilage abnormality together with the score of move the Equus caballus is doing. Furthermore, if a Equus caballus has symptoms of articulation effusion together with lameness, but no obvious os defects are institute on radiographs, at that spot tin terminate soundless endure cartilage defects that the radiographs create non pick up, equally cartilage is non visible on radiographs.

“If cartilage abnormalities are suspected, horses amongst these clinical signs may undergo arthroscopy to seat the lesion(s) inside the joint,” she said. “Arthroscopy involves the placement of small-scale incisions into the affected articulation to enable the insertion of a small-scale video photographic goggle box camera that projects onto a TV monitor. Cartilage lesions tin terminate together with then endure identified together with treated during the surgical procedure.”

A radiograph showing an OC lesion inwards a Equus caballus OC a growing hurting for immature horses
A radiograph of a os cyst, 1 type of OC lesion institute inwards a horse’s stifle (femorotibial joint).

The physical care for is minimally invasive together with gives surgeons a persuasion of hard-to-see places similar joints without having to resort to other to a greater extent than invasive forms of exploratory surgery, known equally arthrotomy, which takes a Equus caballus longer to recover from. Tiny surgical instruments tin terminate endure passed through the incisions to right problems inside the joint.

“An of import business office of treating OC is to accurately diagnose the occupation thus owners tin terminate pick the most appropriate handling choice for their horse,” doc Sampson said.

“In general, a 4 to half-dozen calendar month rehabilitation excogitation is required after surgery, depending on what sort of lesion is present. For horses amongst many types of OC lesions, arthroscopic surgical operation is the handling of pick to debride lesions and/or take away fragments inwards the joint. There are sure enough types of lesions that may require a to a greater extent than specific handling together with each Equus caballus must endure evaluated individually. The lesion type, limb(s) affected, historic catamenia of the horse, exercise of the horse, together with history must besides endure taken into account.

“At this betoken inwards time, at that spot are no proven ways to foreclose OC. If a Equus caballus has no clinical signs of hurting or inflammation, it is possible that the lesions volition rest non-clinical for the residue of the horse’s life, but at that spot is no agency to know if that volition genuinely happen,” she said.

“We create know that over time, if inflammation is acquaint inwards an affected joint, the Equus caballus volition endure at higher direct chances for osteoarthritis inwards the future. If OC lesions are treated appropriately, earlier the articulation is osteoarthritic, these horses direct keep a rattling skillful ( 80%) prognosis for provide to functioning inwards many cases. The prognosis, however, is theme on many factors thus this tin terminate vary betwixt horses. Horses that direct keep lesions that are successfully treated tin terminate direct keep a long together with successful functioning career.”


Courtesy Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

First published on Horsetalk inwards December, 2010



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