Views on equine chiropractic treatment surveyed

 is entering her 3rd yr of written report too working on her Master Views on equine chiropractic handling surveyedA adult woman studying towards her Master’s score is seeking Equus caballus owners’ views on equine chiropractic treatment.

Cathrine Hjelle, a pupil at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, is entering her 3rd yr of written report too working on her Master’s dissertation.

“I accept chosen to create my written report on equine chiropractic, specifically, what the public’s perception of it is,” she says.

For that, she has developed a 5-10 infinitesimal survey entitled “Equestrians’ attitudes towards equine chiropractic”.

Hjelle, who has ridden for the by xvi years too owned a Equus caballus for the concluding 10, was bully to know Equus caballus owners’ views of equine chiropractic treatments.

The enquiry provided the chance to address whatsoever issues for hereafter therapies, should the enquiry highlight whatsoever problems.

Hjelle said she hoped her enquiry would ultimately examine beneficial to equestrians too their horses.

She said participants would non accept to fill upwards inward personal details other than their gender, nationality, historic catamenia group, too province of residence. They must too accept owned or  had sum responsibleness for a horse.




The survey tin hand the axe endure accessed here.


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