Two Przewalski’s foals born at Minnesota zoo

s Equus caballus foals are less than 3 weeks onetime Two Przewalski’s foals born at Minnesota zoo
The ii Przewalski’s Equus caballus foals are less than 3 weeks old. © Minnesota Zoo

The Minnesota Zoo has welcomed the nascence of ii Przewalski’s horse foals who are making their populace debut.

The commence foal, a filly, was born on July 17; the second, a colt, was born on July 20.

Each weighed virtually threescore pounds at nascence together with tin forthwith move seen on prove amongst their mothers on the Northern Trail, across from the zoo’s seasonal Africa! exhibit.

In the 1960s, Przewalski’s horses, too known equally takhi, disappeared exclusively from the wild.

Since then, efforts bring been nether means to save habitat together with reintroduce animals from zoos to protected lands – efforts that include the Minnesota Zoo, which is playing a cardinal role.

More than xl foals bring been born at the zoo since it opened inwards 1978, many of whom bring establish homes at other zoos.

One stallion went to a semi-preserve inwards the Netherlands to hit offspring for liberate inwards Mongolia. At final count, in that place were 82 descendants of the zoo’s stallion nevertheless move inwards Hustai Nuruu National Park.

Minnesota Zoo staff too care the Species Survival Plan to coordinate breeding together with transfer recommendations for the 23 institutions inwards North America that prove Asian wild horses.

Due to these recent reintroduction projects together with protection efforts, the horse’s condition has been upgraded from Critically Endangered to Endangered past times the International Union of Conservation together with Nature (IUCN).

Though nevertheless rare, the takhi is forthwith returning from the brink of extinction.


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