Spruce Meadows gets Olympic Games jump

The Spruce Meadows equestrian venue has bought a jump from London 2012 amongst funding from Jump Canada.
It has non been revealed which of the Olympic jumps Spruce Meadows has bought, exactly $500 from Jump Canada’s Venue Development Funding program went toward the purchase.
Eight other competitions received $500 each from the fund, which is financed yesteryear the Jump Canada Levy in addition to which subsidizes improvements at contest facilities.
Since 2004, competitions accept been invited to submit applications in addition to receipts of move completed during the electrical flow twelvemonth to the Venue Development Fund. The coin is divided amid the applications that the commission feels volition accept the almost positive touching on contest improvement in addition to the competitors’ showing experience.
Some examples of funded programs are the buy of jumps in addition to security cups, evolution of natural obstacles similar a depository fiscal establishment or grob, enhancements to contest facilities in addition to the buy of equipment such every bit a telephone conditioner. Facility improvements to basis in addition to stabling on contest grounds are every bit good considered.
Each contest was awarded $500 towards such improvements:
Annapolis Valley Exhibition Hunter Jumper Show (NS) – dug out novel ring, installed drainage tiles, replaced gravel in addition to placed stuff weave down, replaced bulk of footing
Concours hippiques de Blainville (QC) – replaced basis inwards Grand Prix ring, created novel jumps, purchased security system, improved communication organization onsite
Edmonton Classic/River Valley Horse Show (AB) – Refurbishment of come about sand ring, eventual replacement
Geary Hill Stable Equestrian Challenge #1, #2 (NB) – 2 liverpools were purchased, yearly repairs to jumps in addition to fillers
Hants County Exhibition (NS) – embrace for outdoor warm-up area, edifice amongst proper lighting in addition to first-class footing
Heart of the Continent (MB) – sand added to warm-up ring, extended hunter ring
Parc Équestre Olympique de Bromont (QC) – enhanced footing, improved path footing, maintenance to staircase connecting secretary’s booth in addition to contest ring
Royal Manitoba Winter Fair (MB) – improvement of the contest equipment including novel directional flags, novel start/stopmarkers for the timers, etc.
Spruce Meadows (AB) – purchased Olympic Games jump.
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