$50,000 for horse therapy research on offer
Up to $50,000 inward funding is on offering from the Horses together with Humans Research Foundation (HHRF), for proposals to investigate the therapeutic effects of horses on humans.
The Foundation’s wide inquiry agenda includes basic inquiry besides every bit clinical studies that volition ultimately touching on physical together with mental wellness together with character of life for those engaged inward equine-assisted activities/therapies (EAA/T).
Grants are selected on a competitive basis, taking into trouble organisation human relationship scientific merit, scientific together with clinical significance together with relevance. Preference volition endure given to investigators amongst venture credentials together with inquiry experience.
All applications undergo a three-tier review procedure completed past times the scientific review committee. The average grant laurels is $50,000 for upward to an 18-month period.
The deadline for submission proposals is June 15, 2013.
“Our final telephone band for proposals was specific to EAA/T for veterans amongst Post Traumatic Stress Disorder together with the results bring been real encouraging. Now our board is exceptionally pleased to construct this grant cycle opened upward to whatever EAA/T related inquiry areas,” said Lynn Shaw, HHRF Board President.
“It is through such open-ended opportunities that construct novel areas of inquiry are explored; nosotros ever run across such exciting novel ideas. These efforts are genuinely opening doors to an inspiring future.”
The foundation’s destination is to promote inquiry that will: Benefit special plan participants past times improving equine assisted activeness best practices; together with Educate the public, including professional person affiliates, regarding the value together with benefits of horses together with equine assisted activities.
More information: horsesandhumans.org
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