Tying Up: Rhabdomyolysis in horses

 painful muscles inward the nurture are amid the signs of tying upward Tying Up: Rhabdomyolysis inward horses
Hard, painful muscles inward the nurture are amid the signs of tying up.
 painful muscles inward the nurture are amid the signs of tying upward Tying Up: Rhabdomyolysis inward horses

Tying upward syndrome is a preferable shout to exertional rhabdomyolysis because non all horses that necktie upward receive got exercised, writes Dr Robert northward Oglesby, DVM.

Tied upward horses develop hurting in addition to stiffness inward the lower back, gluteals in addition to muscles of the thigh region. The occupation tin flame vary from a transient cramping to a serious occupation where musculus devastation occurs. In cases of musculus devastation the urine turns nighttime alongside myoglobin, a element of musculus cells.

There receive got been many proposed mechanisms for tying upward but oft electrolyte concentrations are a factor inward horses that necktie upward during intense exercise. In the 1990s it became evident that many cases are due to a defect inward saccharide metabolism inside affected skeletal musculus fibers. This status has been dubbed Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM), in addition to has led to closed to novel handling options that receive got shown dandy success. It has been proposed that this may hold upward an inherited illness alongside an autosomal recessive pattern.


Typical signs of tying upward are:

  1. A rigid walk, that at its worse tin flame immobilize the horse.
  2. Hard painful muscles inward the rear.
  3. If the hurting is severe plenty sweating may occur.

Horses that necktie upward ordinarily receive got a recurring problem, associated alongside a specific fix of circumstances. When horses worked for a living, a mutual occupation was “Monday morning’s disease.” This occupation occurred when horses, which were working all week, did non receive got their grain cutting dorsum spell resting over the weekend. Some horses necktie upward when they go excited, at a show, breeding, or traveling. Other horses develop the occupation when exercised. Occasionally y'all come across the Equus caballus that ties upward for no argue y'all tin flame detect.

Moderate to severe cases are non hard to diagnose. The stiffness inward the nurture limbs in addition to hard painful muscles are easily seen. But mild cases may acquaint equally decreased surgery or a vague lameness originating inward the dorsum or hind end. In cases of possible tying upward the diagnosis tin flame hold upward confirmed alongside blood tests for increment levels of musculus enzymes.

Possible Causes

There receive got been several proposed causes for tying up. The dissimilar histories, in addition to varying treatments that horses answer to, strongly suggest that nosotros are looking at several dissimilar diseases. Some proposed causes are:

  • Altered saccharide metabolism
    Recent operate has identified abnormal saccharide metabolism equally a elbow grease inward many breeds of tying up. The others on the listing are at this fourth dimension unproven causes of the problem.
  • Hypotension in addition to Electrolyte imbalances
    Horses which necktie upward during or next practise oft receive got electrolyte imbalances. These imbalances cannot hold upward diagnosed alongside elementary blood testing.
  • Lactate construct upward (unproven)
  • Too niggling oxygen getting to the muscles (unproven)
  • Vitamin east / selenium deficiencies (unproven)
  • Hypothyroidism (unproven)
  • An interesting observation past times the University of Calif. is that ear ticks (Otobius megnini) receive got been associated alongside musculus spasms inward to a greater extent than than one-half a dozen cases. These musculus spasms were rattling much similar tying up. In each instance musculus enzymes were elevated. When the ear ticks were treated the horses got over the spasms. Other signs identified alongside theses horses were colic, tremors, in addition to seizures. (JAVMA, v207, n1)


Diagnosis is mostly non complicated except inward mild cases which may resemble founder or generalized stiffness. The musculus enzymes CPK in addition to AST are invariably elevated during a tying upward episode in addition to presently after. Strenuous practise tin flame bring upward these enzymes upward to 4 crimp normal spell most tying upward episodes resultant inward a 10 crimp ascent or greater.


Diagnosis of EPSM shape of tying upward tin flame hold upward made alongside a musculus biopsy of the semitendinosus musculus preserved inward 10% buffered formalin. The samples are stained alongside hematoxylin in addition to eosin, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain in addition to PAS followed past times amylase digestion. Abnormal findings inward the Type 2 glycolytic fibers are:

  • subsarcolemmal in addition to intra-cytoplasmic pale staining zones,
  • fiber hypertrophy,
  • internal nuclei,
  • excessive glycogen.

Currently this type of pathology is beingness carried out at Cornell University. Doctors may contact the Dept of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, atten: Beth Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Valentine, DVM, PhD.

Fractional Excretion Test

Once a Equus caballus has fully recovered from an episode of tying upward a fractional excretion essay out for electrolyte imbalances should hold upward done. Electrolyte imbalances are hard to notice only in addition to routinely. The estimation of electrolyte concentrations inward the blood cannot hold upward used to notice deficiency or excess alongside whatever accuracy because of the homeostatic mechanisms which keep normal blood concentrations. Fractional excretion essay out is a practical agency of assessing for certain alterations inward electrolyte status.

Recently a musculus enzyme that tracks the progress of tying upward syndrome inward horses has been found. This enzyme, carbonic anhydrase III (CA-III), differs from other enzyme markers inward that it correlates alongside the severity of the illness almost instantaneously. Most other enzymes, used to monitor tying up, lag behind the illness past times days or weeks. Another wages to CA-III is that levels are markedly elevated inward horses alongside histories of tying upward but are non currently showing signs of the disease. This makes it possible to tag susceptible horses for preventive care. Currently no labs inward the USA are doing this testing regularly.


First assistance volition depend on severity of signs. When exactly a niggling stiffness occurs, manus walking volition aid a Equus caballus loosen up. Recently it has been suggested that walking may hold upward harmful but many mild cases receive got improved past times beingness walked. Bute should hold upward given for pain. Acepromazine (1 to 2 mg. /1000 lbs.) is helpful to relax the Equus caballus in addition to increment peripheral perfusion. If the stiffness is severe electrical flow recommendations are to non movement the horse.

Many severe cases are associated alongside intense exercise. If dehydration or electrolyte imbalances are possible, IV fluids should hold upward used to right these problems. Corticosteroids brand feel for early on handling to aid preclude farther cellular damage. Phenylbutazone at the upper goal of recommended doses volition aid to preserve the pain. Acepromazine (given afterwards correcting dehydration) at the inward a higher identify rates volition aid increment blood flow to the muscles. If additional sedation or hurting relief is desired narcotics (butorphanol or Valium) would hold upward preferable over high doses of acepromazine.

Muscle relaxers seem to hold upward rational therapy but questions of efficacy in addition to potential toxicity do non brand them a clear choice. Currently ii musculus relaxers are advocated: dantrolene in addition to methocarbamol. Check alongside your vet for the latest on these two.


Electrolyte Imbalances

If the results of the fractional excretion (see above) essay out signal a nutritional imbalance these should hold upward corrected first. Routine utilisation of electrolyte additions to the feed are non neccassarily good. However electrolyte supplementation during times of maximal stress is recommended.

As a Equus caballus sweats to a greater extent than in addition to his electrolyte concentrations deplete his sweat becomes less salty thereby conserving needed electrolytes. On the other hand, when the organisation senses an excess of an electrolyte it cranks upward mechanisms to rid the torso of them.

If y'all supplement electrolytes on a daily dry soil y'all weaken the system’s powerfulness to answer to stress.

The best fourth dimension for supplements is exactly earlier in addition to during a fourth dimension of maximal stress. Electrolytes should hold upward added to the feed in addition to non the water. An cheap but effective electrolyte mixture tin flame hold upward made using 1 tb. tabular array common salt in addition to 1 tb. Salt Substitute (Lite Salt or NoSalt: reg. TMs) mixed inward the feed twice daily.


Since the regain of EPSM in addition to its relation to tying up, dietary direction has been rattling effective at managing this problem. To clear out the abnormal amount of glycogen in addition to saccharide from the musculus cells requires 3 to 4 months alongside improvement noted for upward to i twelvemonth afterwards instituting the diet. So do non expression rapid results, but alongside patience they volition come upward alongside most horses beingness normal inside a year.

Current recommendations are to withdraw equally much saccharide equally possible from the diet in addition to substitute stone oil in addition to poly peptide equally an unloosen energy source. Substituted for the grain percentage of the diet is 2 cups (app. 1 lb) of vegetable stone oil per 1000 lbs in addition to alfalfa pellets. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 basic formula for initial estimation of amounts for a 1000 lb Equus caballus would be:
Current daily grain ration (in pounds) – Oil (in cups) = Alfalfa Pellets (in pounds)

For representative receive got a 1200 lb Equus caballus receiving v lbs of grain a day: v (lbs of grain a day) – 2.4 (2 cups a twenty-four hours /1000 lbs x 1200 lbs) = 2.6 lbs of alfalfa pellets a day.

Of course of didactics this is best fed divided twice daily in addition to changes should hold upward made slowly. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 occupation inward this diet is that high obese diets are may non hold upward palatable to closed to horses in addition to y'all may receive got to trim the stone oil percentage slightly to instruct the Equus caballus to consume it, especially if the pellet percentage is small. Some adjustments may require to hold upward made. The horses weight should hold upward watched in addition to adjusted using the pellet percentage of the diet. Of course of didactics during this fourth dimension grass in addition to hay should hold upward available equally usual. If y'all dearest inward a selenium deficient expanse of the province y'all should consider having vitamin east (normal = 2.5 -4.0 ug/ml) in addition to selenium (normal = 180 – 240 ng/ml) values run on the blood.

Other Possibilities

With closed to of the causes of tying upward beingness unknown, in addition to in all likelihood multifactorial, other preventive measures are trial in addition to error. Identifying predisposing factors may allow prevention. For instance, if nervousness inward for certain situations results inward tying up, mild tranquillizers where practical, powerfulness help. If intensive practise brings on the occupation consider improve conditioning regimens in addition to electrolyte supplementation.

Drugs reported to aid inward closed to cases are:

  1. Vitamin east \ Selenium (1 to v micrograms / lb. of Equus caballus / day) equally a feed supplement. Selenium is potentially toxic hence review whatever supplement plans alongside your veterinarian.
  2. Bicarbonate (180 mg. / lb. of horses / twenty-four hours or app. 1/3 lb. per 900 lb. Equus caballus per day) equally a feed supplement
  3. Electrolyte supplementation (1 tsp. of tabular array common salt in addition to 1/2 tsp. of Lite common salt inward the feed daily is an cheap sodium in addition to potassium supplement)
  4. Oral phenytoin has been rattling useful inward closed to cases. Start at v mg.\ lb. twice daily for 3 days hence trim past times one-half every 3 days. The dosage is reduced to the lowest effective dosage.

Other Resources

Myopathies inward a riding Equus caballus stable.
Tierarztl Prax 1991 Apr;19(2):167-169
Zentek J
Institut fur Tierernahrung Tieraztlichen Hochschule Hannover.

In this instance written report on myopathies inward six saddle-horses, a combined dietary vitamin east in addition to selenium deficiency is presumed. Other disorders, such equally exertional myopathy (“Monday morning time disease”) due to excessive unloosen energy intake or ionophore intoxication could hold upward excluded past times calculating the unloosen energy provide or past times a elementary color test.

The selenium requirement of horses is estimated to 0.1-0.2 mg/kg dry out thing (Meyer 1986). If natural feed compounds are depression inward selenium, adequate amounts of this describe chemical element tin flame hold upward supplied past times agency of supplemental feeds, sodium selenite (20 mg/500 kg BW/week) or bruised linseed (cooked, 200-500 g/d). In horses tolerance of increased selenium intake is low. After oral management of sodium selenite lethal dose was 3.3 mg/kg bodyweight. In feedstuffs selenium concentration must hold upward below v mg/kg dry out thing (Traub-Dargatz et al, 1986).

The intake of vitamin east should hold upward 0.25-1 mg/kg bodyweight. The requirements are influenced past times feed compounds, especially the concentration of dietary unsaturated obese acids, in addition to the surgery of the horses (Meyer 1986). Foals, important or lactating mares, in addition to racing horses receive got higher requirements. In shrewd illness vitamin east in addition to selenium are given parenterally (5 mg Se/horse) or past times oral application of sodium selenite (46% selenium, 20 mg/horse), inward improver to symptomatical treatment.


This © 2005 article reprinted alongside permission from Horseadvice.com, an meshing information resources for the equestrian in addition to Equus caballus manufacture since 1994. On the World Wide Web at www.horseadvice.com nosotros receive got tens of thousands of documents on the spider web close Equus caballus care, diseases, in addition to training. 

First published on Horsetalk inward 2005

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