Need for better test for CEM highlighted

Every assay should last made to develop a to a greater extent than reliable way of detecting horses carrying  Need for improve examination for CEM highlighted
Scanning electron micrographs of T. asinigenitalis MCE3.

Every assay should last made to develop a to a greater extent than reliable way of detecting horses carrying the venereal illness contagious equine metritis (CEM), a veterinarian specialist says.

A examination is needed that is to a greater extent than sensitive, specific, together with rapid than nowadays testing procedures, says Dr Peter Timoney, a sometime managing director of the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center at the University of Kentucky, who directly holds the Frederick Van Lennep Chair inwards equine veterinarian scientific discipline at the university’s College of Agriculture.

Timoney described the illness every bit insidious together with potentially pervasive.

“Ever since initial reports of its regain inwards England together with Republic of Ireland inwards 1977, contagious equine metritis has given ascension to considerable line organisation amid Equus caballus breeders inwards many countries,” Timoney noted inwards the latest number of Equine Disease Quarterly.

“The contagiousness of the illness inwards breeding populations, mightiness to displace widespread short-term infertility inwards the mare, together with the occurrence of the carrier province inwards both stallion together with mare are all concerns close CEM, ane of the most internationally regulated equine diseases.”

The rediscovery of CEM inwards the USA inwards Dec 2008 reawakened awareness together with line organisation close the disease, he said. It led to the most extensive epidemiologic tracing together with diagnostic testing of whatsoever prior CEM number inwards the country.

Several of import findings were to emerge from these investigations, Timoney said.

“Perhaps most disturbing was that the beginning of CEM was traced to a Warmblood stallion imported into the USA inwards belatedly 2000, which had non been detected on pre or post-entry quarantine together with testing.

“On retrospective analysis, the causal agent of CEM, Taylorella equigenitalis, was constitute to select spread to 22 stallions, ane gelding, together with 5 mares, all of which were later constitute to last carriers of the organism.

“It should last emphasized that at no fourth dimension over an eight-year flow select at that topographic point been whatsoever reports suggestive of CEM inwards mares next artificial insemination amongst semen from these stallions.

“Of major line organisation was the circumstantial evidence implicating indirect transmission of T. equigenitalis to the 22 stallions together with ane gelding through the purpose of contaminated fomites [inanimate object capable of carrying disease] at dissimilar semen collection centers.

“Collectively, these findings serve to underscore the insidious together with pervasive nature of CEM together with the postulate for greatly improved biosecurity measures inwards facilities that engage inwards semen collection of stallions.”

Every assay should last made to develop a to a greater extent than reliable way of detecting horses carrying  Need for improve examination for CEM highlighted
Dr Peter Timoney

Timoney continued: “Of singular importance inwards preventing futurity CEM events inwards the USA or other CEM-free countries is the postulate for a highly reliable way of screening stallions together with mares for the presence of the carrier province together with sufficient monitoring to ensure the prescribed testing protocols are properly administered.

“Ideally, this should last an integral business office of the pre-entry testing requirements implemented inwards the exporting country.

“Experience over the years, however, has shown the postulate to complement pre-entry testing amongst additional post-entry quarantine together with testing inwards the importing country.

“Had such a arrangement non been inwards house inwards the USA, CEM would select been reintroduced multiple times, primarily through imported carrier stallions, the bulk civilisation positive for streptomycin-sensitive strains of T. equigenitalis.

“Clearly, this brings into inquiry the reliability of the pre-entry testing performed on these together with peradventure other imported stallions together with mares.”

He said electrical current pre-entry together with post-entry quarantine together with testing requirements for CEM, particularly of stallions, were logistically burdensome together with costly for owners together with breeders.

“Accordingly, every assay should last made to develop to a greater extent than reliable way of detecting the carrier beast that are to a greater extent than sensitive, specific, together with rapid than nowadays testing procedures.

“The value of molecular-based tests, such every bit polymerase-based assays, postulate to last fully explored next amongst classical technologies,” he said.

» More on CEM

» Researchers map genome of CEM

Gluck’s Equine Disease Quarterly is funded yesteryear underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, brokers together with their Kentucky agents.



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