Equine disease outbreaks for second quarter of 2012 released
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012
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The International Collating Center, Newmarket, U.K. (UK), as well as other sources reported the next affliction outbreaks for the instant quarter of 2012:
- A study of contagious equine metritis was received from Deutschland involving 2 Icelandic mares.
- Outbreaks of Salmonella abortus equi infection were recorded inwards Argentine Republic (11 abortions on i premises) as well as Nippon (one case).
- Strangles was recorded inwards Deutschland (one case), Sweden (three premises), as well as the USA (Iowa, Kentucky, New York, Pennsylvania).
- Multiple outbreaks of equine flu were confirmed inwards French Republic inwards May as well as June. Initially, 5 outbreaks were recorded inwards French Saddlebreds as well as sports horses that had participated inwards several competitions. One 10-day-old foal died. Two unrelated outbreaks after occurred at equestrian centers. Another carve upward illustration of flu was confirmed inwards a non-vaccinated Equus caballus late imported from Portugal.
- Equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) related diseases were reported yesteryear Argentina, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, as well as the USA. Sporadic EHV-1 respiratory cases occurred inwards French Republic as well as Germany, the UK, as well as the USA (California, Kentucky, Indiana, as well as Missouri). EHV-1 abortions were recorded inwards Argentine Republic (one case), French Republic (three cases on i premises), Deutschland (neonatal pneumonitis), Nippon (11 cases inwards predominately vaccinated horses on 10 premises), as well as Sweden (three cases on 2 premises). Four cases of EHV-1 myeloencephalopathy were reported yesteryear Germany.
- Several cases of equine coital exanthema (equine herpesvirus-3) were reported from Kentucky. Equine herpesvirus-4 was reported inwards Queensland, Commonwealth of Australia (one case) as well as French Republic (nine premises). Infections amongst equine herpesvirus-2 (six cases inwards Kentucky) as well as EHV-5 (two cases inwards Florida) were diagnosed.
- Equine viral arteritis was reported yesteryear French Republic (five outbreaks; 2 carrier stallions) as well as Deutschland (four Warmblood carrier stallions).
- Equine infectious anemia was reported yesteryear Argentine Republic (seven horses inwards Buenos Aires Province), Deutschland (one imported mare from Eastern Europe), as well as Italy (38 cases since early on 2012 on thirty dissimilar premises).
- Equine piroplasmosis was confirmed inwards French Republic (endemic), Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, (endemic, sporadic clinical cases) as well as the USA. Some 18,600 horses accept been tested inwards the USA since early on 2012. Seropositive horses were confirmed, 4 infected amongst Theileria equi as well as 2 amongst Babesia caballi, the bulk Quarter Horse racehorses.
- Thirty-five cases of Eastern equine encephalomyelitis were confirmed inwards the USA, amongst the largest numbers diagnosed inwards Florida (10), Mississippi (10), as well as Louisiana (eight). West Nile encephalitis was reported from Italy (one illustration inwards Sardinia) as well as the USA (three cases). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fatal illustration of Hendra virus infection was confirmed inwards Queensland, Australia.
- Tasmania, Australia, confirmed endemic Ross River virus infection as well as reported 2 presumptive cases of the infection — i Equus caballus amongst neurologic signs as well as the other Equus caballus amongst a strong gait as well as difficulty inwards locomotion.
- In belatedly April, vesicular stomatitis (serotype New Jersey) (17 premises inwards 5 counties) was rediscovered inwards New United Mexican States resulting inwards quarantine as well as restrictions.
- Germany as well as the USA recorded cases of rotavirus infection inwards foals — 2 foals inwards Deutschland as well as half-dozen cases inwards Kentucky. The USA likewise confirmed outbreaks of Clostridium perfringens type Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 diarrhea inwards foals, generally inwards Kentucky. Salmonellosis was reported from the USA; a total of 25 cases were caused yesteryear untyped Salmonella species: xix Group B; 5 Group C1; as well as i Group C2.
- The USA likewise confirmed cases of Potomac Horse Fever (Neorickettsia risticii), 17 inwards Kentucky as well as i inwards Oklahoma. Turkey reported iii cases of leptospirosis. Switzerland confirmed i illustration of anaplasmosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum) as well as iii fatal cases of equine grass sickness, which all presented amongst colic. The Northern Territory, Australia, reported a illustration of suppurative bronchopneumonia caused yesteryear Burkholderia pseudomallei. Tyzzer’s affliction (Clostridium piliforme) was diagnosed inwards a foal inwards Kentucky.
*First Quarter Report for Australia.
The cases were reported inwards the latest number of Gluck’s Equine Disease Quarterly, funded yesteryear underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, brokers as well as their Kentucky agents.
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